

"Basically, it is the connections with people that give life its value."
(Wilhelm von Humboldt)
We met in the Kranich Dojo Berlin in 2014 because we want to practice and teach traditional aikido with one another according to the principles of our teachers. We are open to different styles and perspectives. Therefore we encourage different approaches on our mutual art, because Aikido develops with the people who practice and teach it and we all learn from each other.
The Kranich Dojo Berlin is internationally networked and many highly qualified, international guest teachers visit us regularly and complement our offer.

The Kranich Team
Heidi Grot

5th Dan, Aikikai Tokyo
Violence prevention and self-defense teacher
Aikido adults, self-defense classes for children

I have been training Aikido since 1985. I traveled to France very early and took part in many seminars there, since European aikido was most developed here. Franck Noel, 7th Dan Shihan from Toulouse became my most important teacher, who fascinated me with his clarity and wisdom. I have been following this direct student of Yamaguchi Sensei for more than 30 years.

In the past 15 years there have also been new perspectives and influences that shape my aikido today. In particular, Takeshi Yamashima, 8th Dan Shihan became another important teacher for me, whom I visit regularly in Japan.

I work full-time as a TV journalist and have a sun who has been training martial arts for several years.

Reiner Buchholz

4th Dan, Aikikai Tokyo

Aikido adults, children, youth

I have been training Aikido since 1999. I have been following Franck Noel, 7th Dan Shihan for around 20 years and regularly attend his seminars in various European countries. This has resulted in a large network of friends from all over the world. I really appreciate that Aikido connects people from all over the world.

Another important teacher for me is Seishiro Endo, 8th Dan Shihan, whose seminars I have been attending for about 15 years. His soft, flowing movements are very inspiring to me.

I work full-time as an engineer and lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin and have two children.

Hajo Hartwig

3rd Dan, Aikido

Aikido adults, ZaZen

I have been training Aikido since 1982. I started with Wolfgang Sambrowski in Oldenburg, who was a student of Assai and later Gerd Walter. After that I trained for decades Gerd Walter Shihan, 8th Dan. Later I became interested in Franck Noel's Aikido and I still regularly attend his seminars. I've been with Kranich Dojo Berlin from the start.

For many years I have also been practicing ZaZen and visiting the sesshins from Gundula Meyer (Zui-Un-An), Zen Master (Sanbo-Zen-International). For me, Aikido and ZaZen are constant and important companions in my life.

I worked as a teacher at a vocational school. Now I´m retired.

Christian Schmidt

4th Dan, Aikido 

Aikido Adults
Christian Schmidt, 4. Dan

I train Aikido since 2004. With my teacher Dirk Kropp , 8th Dan, I went through an intensive five-year training as an Aikido teacher in Cologne from 2011. Since 2022 I train and teach in the Kranich Dojo. The Aikido there of Heidi and Reiner is a great enrichment for me. Working with interested and beginning students fulfills me very much and is an important part of my own mindfulness training. The main focus of my training is concentration, mutual respect and healthy movement. A meditative atmosphere helps to develop a fine feeling for oneself and for others. Thus the training can become a personality development, promote serenity and strengthen willpower. 


My main job is to run an agency for e-learning and online training.

Eric Radke

3rd Dan, Aikikai Tokio

Aikido adults
Eric Radke, 3. Dan

I am a physicist by profession and work in medical diognostics.

Ira Schefer

1st Dan, Aikikai Tokio

Children´s training
Ira Schefer, 1. Dan

I started practicing aikido in 2012. At the time, I was living and studying in Japan in the city of Nagoya. Here I trained with Ohtsu Sensei at the Showa Dojo and mainly learned the traditional forms of Aikido. When I came to Berlin in 2015, I found a very good combination of traditional and newer forms of this martial art in the Kranich Dojo.

My main job is as a scientist researching climate and energy policy. I have 2 children.

Rita Röhr

1st Dan, Aikido

Children's training, Alexander Technique

I started practicing aikido with Ingolf Peters in 1993. In 1996 I switched to the dojo of Harald Ross and Jürgen Ebertowski in Berlin Kreuzberg and trained there until he had to close his dojo in 2016. I have been training and teaching in the Kranich dojo since 2016. I really enjoy working with the children and I think Aikido is a good way to promote their development and strengthen their self-confidence. Since I am also a trained teacher for Alexander Technique, I also offer individual lessons in Aikido and Alexander Technique for those interested. My focus is on posture, relaxation and permeability.

I am a self-employed music teacher and have two children.

Aikido Summer Berlin: 13 teachers from 12 nations, participants from all over the world

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